Getting started


PyCASSO requires python 2.7. You also need these to use the data access modules.

  • numpy/scipy
  • pyfits
  • h5py

These are probaby available at you python package manager. For example, in Mac OSX using macports, use these commands to install python 2.7 and the dependencies, and then select this as your default python installation.

$ sudo port install python27 py27-h5py py27-numpy py27-scipy py27-pyfits
$ sudo port select --set python python27

You will also need PySTARLIGHT. The package is in the python package index, you may install it using easy_install or pip (NOTE: be sure that pip and easy_install are using the same python installation as you use for coding, or PySTARLIGHT will be installed at the wrong directory):

$ pip install PySTARLIGHT


$ easy_install PySTARLIGHT

If you want to create your own datasets, you’ll also need atpy. In macports, install it using the command:

$ sudo port install py27-atpy

Stable version

The stable version of PyCASSO is 0.9.0. Install using these commands:

$ tar xvzf PyCASSO-X.X.X.tar.gz
$ cd PyCASSO-X.X.X/
$ python install

Developer version

Development version (may be broken):

$ hg clone

which can then be installed with:

$ cd pycasso
$ python install

Table Of Contents

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Creating datasets

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