1. STARLIGHT result catalog: catalog_starlight.fits

Variable Desctription
file_name               STARLIGHT file name (mjd-plate-fiber)
atflux               Luminosity weighted mean log stellar age, calculated at 5635 Angstroms
atmass               Mass weighted mean log stellar age
aZflux               Luminosity weighted mean log stellar metallicity (in solar metallicities)
aZmass               Mass weighted mean log stellar metallicity (in solar metallicities)
mass               Stellar mass in solar masses
popx               Light fraction of each base component, calculated at 5635 Angstroms
popmu_cor               Mass fraction of each base component corrected for the mass lost to the ISM
popmu_ini               Initial mass of each base component
popNUV               Contribution of each base component to NUV band luminosity
SFH_x               Star-formation history in terms of light fractions
SFH_m               Star-formation history in terms of mass fractions
cSFH_x               Cumulative star-formation history in terms of light fractions
cSFH_m               Cumulative star-formation history in terms of mass fractions
NUVx               Star-formation history in terms of NUV band luminosity
cNUVx               Cumulative star-formation history in terms of NUV band luminosity
atflux_NUV               Mean stellar age weighted by the contribution of each component to NUV band luminosity
aZflux_NUV               Mean stellar metallicity weighted by the contribution of each component to NUV band luminosity
magY_obs_NUV               NUV magnitude
magY_mod_NUV               Modeled NUV magnitude
magY_err_NUV               Magnitude error (over-estimated)
v0               Stellar line-of-sight velocity
vd               Stellar line-of-sight velocity dispersion
Av               V-band dust attenuation

2. STARLIGHT base info: base_info.pkl

This is a pickle file containing a python dictionary with information about the base used in the fits, were are the contents of the dictionary:

Variable Desctription
age_base_in               Lower age limit of each component in popmu_cor, popmu_ini, popx and popNUV
age_base_fin               Upper age limit of each component in popmu_cor, popmu_ini, popx and popNUV
age_base_mid               Age of the middle of each component in popmu_cor, popmu_ini, popx and popNUV
ages               Age limits of the CSP bins, use this to plot the cumulative SFHs (cSFH_x and cSFH_m)
ages_mid               Age in the middle of each CSP bin, use this to plot non-cumulative SFHs
Z_base               Metallicity of each component in popmu_cor, popmu_ini, popx and popNUV
Zs               Metallicities used in the base